(626) 473-2093


(626) 473-2093


Here’s how you can get started.

Participation to SW WISE Program is very easy with dedicated experts here to assist you reach your energy-efficiency goals. Lincus will work with your team to select the most appropriate project path, either Deemed or Custom.

Deemed Path

  1. Contact us to confirm participation eligibility.
  2. Review and select from a list of approved measures here.
  3. Work with our team to determine what qualifying equipment to select for your facilities.
  4. Install eligible equipment with a contractor of your choice.
  5. Submit project documentation (i.e., specification sheets and invoices) to our team,
  6. Our team with facilitate the application and verification process.
  7. You receive rebate from the program!

Custom Path

Our team will work with you to create a custom incentive application for your specific project using the following program approach. You can view a list of Custom Measures here.

A. Preliminary Assessment

  • Contact us to confirm program eligibility.
  • Provide utility billing and operational data to our team.
  • Provide site access during a preliminary site walk
  • Our team will produce a preliminary list of energy efficiency measure recommendations for a decision to implement within the program cycle.

B. Detailed Assessment

  • Provide access for a second detailed site visit (if required)
  • Provide additional operational data and information to our team.
  • Our team provides a Project Feasibility Study on the measure recommendations for a final decision to proceed with implementation and application of incentives.
  • Our team will facilitate the pre-installation application and verification process.

C. Implementation Support

  • Our team will provide information on the installation targets to realize the energy savings as solicitation and contracting support.
  • Once your application is approved, eligible equipment will be installed with a contractor of your choice.
  • Submit project documentation (i.e., specification sheets, invoices, operational data) to our team.
  • Our team will review Measurement & Verification (M&V) data to confirm savings realization.
  • Our team will then facilitate post-installation verification process.
  • You receive incentives from the program!

Participant Eligibility

1. Must be a Water/Wastewater Pumping Customer, which means a Customer who:

a) Engages in water production, water/wastewater distribution, or water/wastewater treatment, irrigation, facility water pumping, or surface transport pumping.

b) Is a water agency, water/sanitation special district, irrigation district, investor-owned water utility, or local government primarily focused on water production, water/wastewater distribution, water treatment, wastewater treatment, irrigation, water pumping facilities and systems, or surface transport pumping.

c) Engages in oil or gas water pumping or treatment, including steam systems.

d) Engages in water/steam injection/ reinjection, distribution and disposal, surface transport pumping, or irrigation/agricultural pumping.

e) Is a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or contractor of program eligible energy efficiency technology or measures used for water production, water/wastewater distribution, or water/wastewater treatment, irrigation, facility water pumping, or surface transport pumping.

2. Qualifying participants must be listed under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes: 111xxx, 1125xx, 211xxx, 213112, 2213xx, 237110, 33391x, 486990.

3. Water/Wastewater Pumping Customer who receives electric or gas service from PG&E, SCE, SCG, or SDG&E and pays the Public Purpose Programs (PPP) charge.

Program Eligibility

1. Water/Wastewater Pumping Customer’s project meets program pre-qualifications and energy-efficiency measure requirements.

2. Project has not received incentives for the same measures or scope of work from other public purpose programs.

3. Water/Wastewater Pumping Customer adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and code such as California Title 20 and Title 24 standards for each qualifying project.

4. Qualifying equipment must be purchased and installed between September 21, 2022, and December 31, 2027. The purchase date of the equipment must be within the calendar year that the application is submitted unless indicated otherwise.

5. Equipment must meet the Program’s technical specifications. Our team will provide guidance on measure-specific information.

(626) 473-2093
